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GIANT AND LIV Launch together

We have seen this bike already. (Sort of … Maybe … But not all of it, I guess …) I just spent five hours with the folks at GIANT, LIV and CADEX on top of a roof-top bar in Adelaide, Australia at the big launch of a bike that I have seen in person twice […]

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Simple is Better: the Upgrade to Virtual Shifting

Indoor training just got a little more simple in our household with virtual shifting. It’s worth considering if virtual shifting would make your life more simple, too. Backstory My wife, Erin, and I have been sharing an indoor trainer for the better part of a decade. My role in our house is both the family […]

You Don’t Know Kona Until You Meet Her

Everyone thinks they understand Kona until they go to Kona. It’s just hot and humid, right? People who live in Arizona and ride in 110° assume it’s the same as if you’re on the Queen K. If you’re  riding on the east coast in Northern New York, that;s really hot and humid, I got this, […]