Leon Griffin gets dialed
Leon Griffin has decided to shelf his Ironman ambitions for a year to concentrate on the Ironman 70.3 circuit and the Rev3 Series and he recently visited Dan Empfield's compound in Valyermo, CA and the LA Velodrome with Ero-Sports to optimize his bike fit prior to the start of the 2014 season.
At Dan Empfield's compound in Valyermo, CA
Dan Empfield introduces Leon Griffin during one of his FIST workshops.
One of the fit shop attendees transferred measurements from Griffin's bike to the Guru Dynamic Fit Unit for initial set up
Griffin spends time riding and adapting to a new position while Empfield and class observe while
San Diego based Moment Cycle Sports' owner JT Lyons operates the DFU.
Paul Swift, a former National Champion on the track, and founder of BikeFit, attends FIST classes and discusses with Griffin the importance of the relationship between pedal and cleat interface in the pedaling stroke.
Griffin got a laugh when he told that he enjoyed his off-season a bit too much and added 20 pounds to his typically light frame.
Argon 18 President, Gervais Rioux, also a former professional cyclist, collaborates with Griffin on the final position coordinates.
Empfield and Rioux make adjustments on Griffin's Argon 18 based off the final coordinates from the DFU.
Ero-Sports and equipment testing with ALPHAMANTIS at the LA Velodrome
Jim Manton owns and operates Ero-Sports and starts out by assessing Griffin's flexibility or lack of, as it would turn out.
A bit of warmup for Griffin before heading out on the track.
Griffin observed himself riding on Retul's snazzy video feedback report.
Equipment waiting for their pilot to begin testing on the track.
Griffin is about to test the Rudy Project Wing57 helmet.
On track and too fast for the camera guy.
Getting feedback from the crew after one of the runs.
Manton and Griffin debrief at the end of the track session
The work is done for Jim Manton and he now is getting mentally ready for the next task.
Slip sliding away down the steep embankment.
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