Argon’s Smart Bike
A bike that can detect and measures air pressure, temperature, wind speed versus ground speed, includes pitch, yaw, and roll sensors in the front and rear of the bike to detect lean angle, warrants a name worthy for a space ship or jet fighter, if such a beast existed!
Argon’s prototype display of the Argon 18 Smart Bike has been made public. This is its temporary name, thank goodness. I’m thinking the Raptor, or the Enterprise.
Here’s what we’ve learned.
The development of this new bike-sensor system began two years ago when employees were asked to develop a product that focused on a symbiosis of rider and bike. From this abstract concept, during the time when wearables began to take-off, Argon advanced the concept of a bike and rider who could learn from each other.
Twenty-two sensors later Argon has a bike with that can feed data (e.g. CdA) to a display unit and be recorded for post-ride analysis. Argon states that after a short adjustment period the system can provide reliable data to determine whether to go with helmet A or helmet B.
The system will also have the ability to advise a rider on his behaviour during the ride. It will also read and interpret data from power meters, HR sensors, gear shifting, muscle oxygenation, and biometric sensors to detect rider position on the bike.
Looking closely at the photos of the sensor system on the bike it might seem bulky. Argon expects the end version to be considerably smaller. The aftermarket system appending to non-Argon bikes is expected to be similar to popular front hydration systems on the market.
All of this may sound like a pipe dream, but Argon is currently field testing units and foresees a release over the next 12-24 months.
The sensor system should be able to feed data to current software analysis programs, along with its own software to be developed. Argon will also have an iOS and Android app that will allow for diagnostics or updates to the sensor system.
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